Added flexibility and efficiency during project exchange (2/3)
Added flexibility and efficiency during project exchange (2/3)
Short cut # 24 presents a handy new feature for project managers and translators. Instructions can now be included with the project and linked to different processing steps, so that convenient reminders pop up whilst you are working.
In addition to creating, packing and sending projects to the translator, a translation project manager has many other tasks, one of which includes preparing detailed instructions about the project to be sent to the translator in an email. Transit NXT Service Pack 8 tries to simplify the work of the project manager as much as possible by combining everything in one single step. The project manager can now choose to include instructions in the project itself when creating the project. Additional information, guidelines and instructions can be added to the project in order to support efficient and high-quality project processing. This means that when creating the project, you can include instructions that are displayed automatically to all project participants at various process steps.
In order to do this, click on Additional options… in the project summary window (the last window displayed with all the project information before finishing the project creation) and then on the Messages tab as shown in the image below:
In the Messages tab, you can include project-specific information that is displayed as a message when different project processing actions are performed. These messages can be used to display information or instructions for specific project processing steps to translators/reviewers or to create a type of “digital reminder” for yourself.
Transit NXT provides you with four different fields in which to enter this information:
- Display when opening the project: enter text for a message that is displayed every time the project is opened. By selecting the For unpacked projects only option, the message is displayed to the translator/reviewer who has unpacked the project.
- Display before packing the translation: enter text for a message that is displayed before packing the translation. This may serve as a checklist for a translator/reviewer for all steps to be completed before packing the translation.
- Display after exporting the project: enter text for a message that is displayed after exporting the project.
- Display when selected as basis for a follow-up project or as project template: enter text for a message that is displayed when the project is used as a basis for a follow-up project or as a project template.
If you forget to enter messages when creating the project, you can also do so at a later stage by going to the Project > Administration > Settings > Messages tab. However, this must be done before packing the project.
This therefore helps to reduce the manual effort of having to send instructions to the translator by email. These messages are displayed on-the-go as work is completed on the different project steps.
We hope you find this new feature from Service Pack 8 useful. Do try it out and let us know if you have any feedback or comments.
We will soon be back with more posts about the interesting and efficient features of Transit NXT SP8.
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