Translate Adobe Indesign CC 2018 files with Transit NXT

Translate Adobe Indesign CC 2018 files with Transit NXT
Important release right before Christmas: InDesign Gate for CC 2018 for Transit NXT is out!
InDesign Gate for CC 2018 for Transit NXT released
From now on, you can translate InDesign CC 2018 (release October 2017) files in Transit NXT. For data exchange with Transit, new InDesign Gate plug-ins are available for InDesign CC 2018 (Mac and Windows).
Please note: The new “Endnotes” feature of InDesign CC 2018 is not yet supported.
Furthermore, optimised versions are immediately available for InDesign Gate (plug-ins for data exchange between Adobe InDesign CS5 - CC 2017 and Transit NXT).
The plug-ins can be found on our website in the "Download | Transit & TermStar NXT | Accessories" area. There you can also find the latest documentation for installing InDesign Gate and sharing data with Transit.
To install the plug-ins, you need your licence number. You can only install the plug-ins if the optional filter for Adobe InDesign has been enabled for your licence.
To all our readers, have a merry festive season and a good start into 2018 !
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