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Transit NXT as resource editor

Resource editing in Transit NXT

Transit NXT, STAR's CAT tool, is also a binary resource editor. You can translate RC, EXE and DLL files, do the resizing and other checks on your resources. Read on to find out how. 

28 Septiembre 2018
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Find translation variants in your translation memory

Checking for translation variants and source language variants

Over time, translation variants invariably creep into your translation memory and make it inconsistent. Check out the new features of Transit's SP9 to find and erradicate variants in the target language and find translation errors by checking for source language variants.

28 Septiembre 2018
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Webinar about terminology management in Transit

STAR Campus - Create and use terminology while translating

Terminology is the key to technical translation and therefore it is of upmost importance to manage and maintain it correctly and to have it at hand when needed. This free beginners' webinar explains you how to do it.

27 Septiembre 2018
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STAR Campus - Webinar about software localization with Transit NXT

STAR Campus - Software for anywhere

Did you know that Transit NXT is not just a translation memory but also a binary resource editing tool? Register for our next webinar and learn all about it.

25 Septiembre 2018
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STAR Campus - Markups count towards quality too

How do I ensure that all of the markups are correct?

26 Septiembre 2018
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Working with subtitles in Transit NXT

With Service Pack 7, Transit NXT offers the option to translate subtitles for films, corporate videos and presentations. Traditionally subtitling has fallen outside of the scope of translation memory packages, perhaps as it was thought to be too creative a process to benefit from the features such software offers. However, with online video becoming an increasingly important part of the business marketing mix, many companies are looking to maintain consistency of terminology and style right across their published output, as well as wanting to make the most of their previously translated material. Well, now they can. And any Transit user can now produce professional translated subtitles with no previous subtitling experience.

28 Septiembre 2018
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Short cuts – Nº 6 : Inserting markups in the Transit NXT editor 'on the fly'

Working with markup ID's can be quite tedious especially if the segments have a lot of markups. And it is not possible to avoid markups because if they are not inserted correctly, you may not be able to export your file. Therefore markups require special care while translation. Let's first understand what a markup ID is.

27 Septiembre 2018
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Revising with the internal repetitions mode

Sometimes, a project has to be split up between several translators so as to be able to meet the deadline, with the result that internal repetitions might be translated inconsistently by different translators. Transit's Internal Repetition Revision Mode enables you to solve that problem by revising all repeated ocurrences of segments throughout the entire publication.

28 Septiembre 2018
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Assuring quality: terminology check

Terms form the conceptual skeleton of a technical publication. Their correct use is vital for the understanding of a technical text. Likewise, correct and consistent use of the right target-language terminology is one of the corner stones of a good technical translation. But even if terminological dictionaries were used during a translation project, terminological errors or inconsistencies might still occur.

13 Noviembre 2018
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Special edition, special edition: The Transit Quick Guide !

Fresh from the print press and a MUST for Transit freshers! There is a new manual available for download from the Download area (Downloads | Transit & TermStar NXT | Technical Documentation) of the STAR Group Website at www.star-group.net. The Transit Quick Guide is available in English and German and features the following content.

26 Septiembre 2018
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