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Working with subtitles in Transit NXT

With Service Pack 7, Transit NXT offers the option to translate subtitles for films, corporate videos and presentations. Traditionally subtitling has fallen outside of the scope of translation memory packages, perhaps as it was thought to be too creative a process to benefit from the features such software offers. However, with online video becoming an increasingly important part of the business marketing mix, many companies are looking to maintain consistency of terminology and style right across their published output, as well as wanting to make the most of their previously translated material. Well, now they can. And any Transit user can now produce professional translated subtitles with no previous subtitling experience.

28 Septiembre 2018
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Special edition: Transit NXT Service Pack 7 is here !

The long awaited Transit NXT Service Pack 7 is released ! It comes packed  with a host of new features, modules, filters and improvements.To treat all the novelties in one blog post would be impossible. So, in this post, we offer you a summary of all the new stuff that you will encounter in what might righteously be called the "new version" of Transit NXT.

27 Septiembre 2018
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